Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gar and the Gall bladder

What? I'm posting? It's true! but nothing good or exciting, I'm just losing my mind with anxiety and needed something to distract me.

When it rains it poors.

but I'm grateful for tender mercies and the umbrella a loving Heavenly Father always gives me.
Even if it does have a couple leaks, I think he keeps them there to keep me humble.

Pray for us please? If anyone still even reads this blog (and I certainly don't blame you if you don't, I wouldn't) we could really use them.



C said...

I hope Garrett feels better soon. Having had gall bladder disease, I can certainly feel for him. It was good seeing you last week up in Logan.

Linds said...

our love and prayers to you.

naomi megan. said...

prayers sent your way love.

emily said...

i'm praying.