Wednesday, November 11, 2009

birthday and the fur ball.

Meet Sprinkles Cocoa-puff Stembridge. Gar got her "for me" for my birthday on the 6th. But he is pretty much smitten by her and I'm pretty sure it was just a good excuse to get this little love muffin.
So for some reason she looks super big in photos and they do not do her any justice at all. She is a MILLION times cuter in person. Really I promise. and she is tiny. only about 2 pounds. She is so dark it's kind of hard to see her in the pics, but it's the best we've got so far. We pretty much love her to pieces; she is the smartest, sweetest, sassiest!!!, little fluff ball ever. Come meet her!

Excuse my camera rat face. The little terror had left me with less than 2 hours of sleep the first night and it shows!

The other Doogies are her boyfriends, Chincey and Max. They thought she was a cat at first and it wasn't pretty, but they warmed up...sort of. :) Karis and Lanky, we're sorry we never cleaned up the poop off your lawn! :(


naomi megan. said...

she is ADORABLE! a little furr ball. i WANT one. does she have brothers or sisters?

Anonymous said...

she is too cute. i can't wait to meet her in person in a couple weeks :)

Kayla R. said...

SOOOOO adorable!

Linds said...

holy canoli! she's adorable. i'm a sucker for baby puppies. so glad she's part of the family :)

Claire Bagley Hayes said...

I WANT A BABY TOO!!! Baby as in baby animal. I think I'm due for some unending adoration.

Stembob said...

This is such a cute puppy! I can't wait to come home and see her again!

Emily said...

Aww so sweet. :) Love your blog!

Linds said...

SERIOUSLY beautiful couple! Thanks for stopping by Cuegly! I'll be doing a Tutorial soon, you can count on it!

JMay said...

omg, she is so cute. I'm so jealous. You are going to have SO much fun!!!